Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 28 of whole30

Why losing weight?

I have been watching a lot of Extreme weight loss episodes. It is so inspiring to watch these people loosing 50% of there body weight in just 1 year! They all have different reasons for why they got overweight and why they now wanna fight the kilos and get healthy. One thing they all have in commend is there low self-esteem and low self confidence. When you don't believe in your self losing weight must be hard! 
I am obese but not in the scale of the participants of these programs but I still have my reasons of why I got fat and why I wanna loss weight!

Weight loss motivations:
- Getting healthy for a pregnancy.
- Getting healthy and minimize my health risks.
- Being able to buy clothes in a normal store.
- Looking good on my wedding pictures.
- Makes my kids grow up in a healthy environment.
 - Loving my self and my look.

Breakfast: Banana pancake on the side mushrooms and tomatoes.

Lunch: stuffed pumpkin ( spicy grounded meat) with a red cabbage salad and avocado.

Steak with a salad made with: Lettuce, asparagus, avocado, tomato and celery. Spicy chili oil.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the dedication and focus!! Plus, uhmmmm, that table/mat/whatever is too cute.
