Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 26 of whole30! big challenge.

First big public challenge. 

I have pretty much tried to avoid going out during this whole30. It is just easier not to be around temptations. Though I have been going to my family in laws house which is full of crappy food as I like to call all of that sugar shit!! haha... Anyway it hasn't been hard to say no to ice cream or cake being there.. Probably because my father in law always makes us an amazing barbecue. That mixed with a good salad leaves me satisfied not wishing for all the unhealthy sugar!! 
Yesterday we had a baby shower celebration. They were serving leg meat, mayo and bread.. For those who has never tasted that I will tell you it is dam awesome.. It is like eating a piece of heaven! That being said I need to find a solution.. Cabbage.. Yes cabbage was the solution we used the cabbage instead of bread and just avoided the mayo. (had a teaspoon of it in my first wrap but it just didn't taste good.) Of cause there were cake afterwords together with a glass champagne but I said No thanks. I consider yesterday as a victory! YEAH 
Also I got to hold Emilio's cousins new baby! OMG it just felt so good to hold that little girl in my arm it reminded me of 3 years ago when I was holding my host baby Emma.. I love babies and holding little Julia yesterday made me even more ready for this weight loss.. I really wanna be healthy for my own pregnancy. 

Egg muffin (egg, chili, basil, red pepper)

Leftover osobuco with some spicy meatballs and cauliflower. 

Dinner: Cabbage wrap filled with leg meat! NAM NAM NAM

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