What a different!
My cravings are extremely eliminated now and I feel good! All my stomach issues is gone, I have only had one headache the last 3 weeks and my energy level has increased! With only 4 hours of sleep I still manage to get through the whole day! YEAH (Well I did sleep so nicely this night!)
Food wise things are still going well.. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and our fridge looks amazingly healthy.. =) It if filled with vegetables in all colors (tomato, spinach, pepper, celery, eggplant, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, cabbage, avocado) Lots of egg, and then some good left overs!
The freezer is filled with fish, chicken and meat!
It is so inspiring to look into a full and color rich fridge. That makes cooking so much easier. Emilio actually made a meal plan the other week, but it just didn't seems to be working really well for us as we or I changed the plans all the time to make sure we used what we had in the fridge! Another issue here in Argentina is the limited healthy food chooses! Most of the things you will find here has been processed and it is hard to know whether it is organic or not. Just as well as we don't have all the lovely oils like avocado oil ect. or fish sauces and yummi stuff like that!
2 eggs, 1 carrot, 1 paleo bread, and cup of tea
Steak and healthy pancakes (They were made of a shredded carrot and sweet potato mixed with an egg and panned as small pancaked! YUM YUM YUM).
Panned lever and onions. On the side some mashed sweet potato and carrot as well as a salad made on avocado, yellow and red tomatoes and fresh basil!
Hold nu op, hvor ser din mad altså lækker ud .... hvem der dog havde tid og råd til den kostplan ;-) Bon appetit :-D