Thursday, September 13, 2012

3 Zumba classes in 1 week!

In love with Zumba

I did it!!! Monday, Wednesday and Thursday was Zumba days. I signed up for these classes last week but honestly I didn't believe I would do it.. Haha

It wasn't easy to get out of the sofa Monday night after a long weekend in London. After a long talk with myself I decided to get my ass moved and get to the fitness center. It was the best work out ever. I was sweating like a PIG! But it felt amazing.

Wednesday was a bit easier to get out of the door. I had a good work out but nothing like my Monday class.

Today it was so easy to get out of the door. I have been waiting the whole day for the clock to be 4:30pm so I could work out. The teacher I have both Monday and Thursday is AMAZING!! She is such a big motivation! We not only dance, also we use some water bottles (they weight 2 pounds each) While we jump. Wow that trains my arms.

I am so proud of myself. I feel great about myself.

Hopefully it will pay of on Sunday!


  1. Congrats!! I LOVE Zumba. Such a fun workout!

  2. Nice! It's awesome that your motivation to do it increased each time too. Well done!

  3. Good job! Sounds like you are really enjoying your Zumba!
