The day before my project starts!
Here is a little introduction of my past weight loss projects.
I have struggled with my weight since I was around 8 years old. That have taking me though a lots of different diets all with the same result, a weight loss followed by a huge weight gain! (I am so done with that)!
Doing my high school years I struggled a lot with my weight. I mean who finds it funny to be fat and teen at the same time?! Actually I did loss weight, 20kg to be precis. But 8 month later I was back on my old weight once a gain I felt like the fat won.
After high school I went to the US as an Au pair, and once a gain I lost 12 kg and I felt great! I was so lucky that I could go to the gym everyday and so I did. When I left the state to move to Argentina with my boyfriend I started to gain weight once again!
That has resulted a weight gain on 12 kg. in just half a year. (so sad and stupid trust me I know).
Enough is enough and I am done being fat and so ready for getting in shape, make my body healthy and give my self confident a huge boom!! Project get healthy is about to start.
It is not going to be easy with a scale that says 112kg and a goal saying 80 kg in a year which mean the of May 2013 but I am giving my self this huge challenge and you know what I can do it! ( I can't believe I for the first time ever told anyone about my weight, but guess what it is going to go DOWN!!)
I am going to try different diets to quick start the weight loss together with a lots of work out! But this is not about a total diet it is about a life change that will last forever.
To get my weight loss started and get my stomach clean I have choose to take a week on the Cabbage soup diet.
Please if you have any questions please email me anytime!
Hey good luck with the diet and hopefully we'll both have a good experience with it. It'd be really interesting to know if anyone following this blog has ever tried it before.